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Cute Girl

Free 15 Minute Discovery Call


Choosing a nutritionist is an important decision. That's why I offer a free discovery call to all potential clients, where we discuss your concerns and goals, and determine if we are a good fit for working together. This call is completely free and there is no obligation to continue working with me.


CLICK HERE to book your free call.

Image by Kostiantyn Li

The Package*


1 x Initial Consultation + 2 x Follow Ups (Save $30)

The Package consultation is a comprehensive and flexible approach to getting the nutrition guidance you need. It starts with an initial consultation where we'll discuss your goals and concerns, followed by two follow up consultations to ensure your progress and make any necessary adjustments.

(*Must be used within a 6 week period.)


CLICK HERE to book.

Copying Down

Initial Consultation


90 mins

During this initial consultation, we conduct a comprehensive assessment of your dietary and lifestyle habits and then use this information to create a personalized plan that is tailored to your needs, to help you achieve optimal health and wellness. Our goal is to provide you with the support and guidance you need to make sustainable changes that lead to lasting results. It is recommended to have 1-2 follow up appointments after this to gauge progress and make any adjustments if necessary.


CLICK HERE to book.

Balancing Rocks

Follow Up Consultation


45 mins

Follow-up Consultations allow you to get the support you need to make lasting changes to your health. We will review your progress since your last session and make any adjustments to your plan as needed, so you stay on track.


CLICK HERE to book.

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Blood Test Results Analysis*


(*only available after an Initial Consult)

The blood test analysis service is one piece of the puzzle to a healthier you. We take a holistic approach to analyzing your results, looking for deficiencies and imbalances that could be impacting your wellbeing. We'll help you'll gain an understanding of where you stand and how to balance your nutrition to achieve optimal levels.


CLICK HERE to book.

Satisfaction Guarantee

To book any of the above services, please CLICK HERE 

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